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Allan Eckert’s Winning of America Series
This Jesse Stuart Foundation best-selling series details accounts of frontiersmen and Native Americans and many dramatic events of the time period. Many years of research went into this popular series that also tells the story of wilderness America itself, its penetration and settlement.
Shop any of the 6 books in the series below, or BUY THE WHOLE SET!
Jesse Stuart Junior Books
Shop this popular book set for the young reader!
Latest JSF News
Runaway slaves had long, hazardous journey to freedom
Before the Civil War, the Underground Railroad was a network of hundreds of safe houses, churches, and farms throughout the North and South that served as way stations on the road to freedom for tens of thousands of runaway slaves. Fugitive slaves risked their lives in this long, hazardous journey to freedom. The whites who helped them risked social scorn, business setbacks, arrests, fines, prison and even death to [...]
“The Year of My Rebirth” an excellent gift for those recovering from illness or surgery
Lots of folks have been sick this winter. If you have a friend or loved one recovering from illness or surgery, Jesse Stuart’s “The Year of My Rebirth” would be a helpful gift. Stuart’s message in this well-known book is that no person can really begin living until he has come close to dying. As a young man, Stuart lived at top speed. Then, in 1954, at age 48, [...]
Bluetick Pig now available as eBook
Jesse Stuart’s Bluetick Pig is now available as an eBook on Amazon Kindle. The JSF first released Bluetick Pig, the ninth book in Jesse Stuart’s junior book series, in 2019. The book is edited by JSF Board member Cathy Roberts and features delightful illustrations by Thomas Marsh. The Kindle price is $6.99. Sarah Powell had worked a day for her neighbor. For her pay, she was given the choice [...]
Loretta Lynn’s death a painful one for eastern Kentucky
Loretta Lynn’s death on October 4, 2022, was a painful loss for eastern Kentuckians and country music fans nationwide. Known as “The Coal Miner’s Daughter,” she was born April 14, 1935, at Butcher Holler, Johnson County, Kentucky, to Melvin and Clara Butcher Webb. Named after Loretta Young, her mother’s favorite actress, she walked several miles daily to attend a one-room school in nearby Van Lear, where she completed the [...]
2022 JSF bestsellers
#1 A Penny’s Worth of Character, Jesse Stuart #2 The Frontiersmen, Allan W. Eckert #3 Wilderness Empire, Allan W. Eckert #4 New Harvest, Jesse Stuart #5 The Beatinest Boy, Jesse Stuart #6 The Conquerors, Allan W. Eckert #7 Blue Jacket: War Chief of the Shawnees, Allan W. Eckert #8 God Bless the USA, Lee Greenwood #9 White Squaw: The True Story of Jennie Wiley, Arville Wheeler #10 The Wilderness [...]