Jesse Stuart

  • Jesse Stuart Junior Book Mike finds a hound dog in the pasture which is obviously lost. Someone has been mean to the dog, and Mike wants him very much, but the hound won't come near him. Finally, his father helps him bring the dog home. After Mike and Speckles become inseparable, a neighbor claims to be the dog's rightful owner. Two dramatic encounters show that a good hound never forgets his real master. SOFTBACK By Jesse Stuart
  • Jesse Stuart Junior Book Even though he lived on a farm and had had a number of pet animals, Andy Scott had never been able to keep a pet very long. Then Gypsy, the family cow, had a calf. Andy called him Soddy, because he was the color of the plowed clay ground. He hoped to keep the calf as a pet. Andy's father told him Soddy would have to be sold for veal, but Andy was determined to save his new friend and playmate. Filled with love for the calf, yet knowing his parents needed the money, Andy thought of a plan to suit everyone. SOFTBACK By Jesse Stuart
  • Jesse Stuart Junior Book Grandma Beverley s fond of saying that David is the "beatinest" boy who ever grew up in the valley. And David is sure that his grandmother is the smartest, most wonderful women in the world. This book sis the story out of Jesse's Stuart's native Appalachian Kentucky, about people he knew best. His story has the richness and beauty of golden honey made from autumn flowers. SOFTBACK By Jesse Stuart
  • Jesse Stuart Junior Book A Penny's Worth of Character is a lesson in honesty that the reader, young or old, will not easily forget. This delightful story is full of details from Stuart's; native eastern Kentucky. Shan Shelton is going to the store for his mother. If he had a dime, he could buy his favorite treat, a chocolate bar and a lemon soda pop. SOFTBACK By Jesse Stuart
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