The Jesse Stuart Foundation proudly presents

Jack Ellis Writers Workshop

Jesse Stuart Lodge – Greenbo Lake State Resort Park

May 9-10, 2025

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Allan Eckert’s Winning of America Series

This Jesse Stuart Foundation best-selling series details accounts of frontiersmen and Native Americans and many dramatic events of the time period. Many years of research went into this popular series that also tells the story of wilderness America itself, its penetration and settlement.

Shop any of the 6 books in the series below, or BUY THE WHOLE SET!

Jesse Stuart Junior Books

Shop this popular book set for the young reader!

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Latest JSF News

Donald Davidson: Jesse Stuart’s mentor, editor, and friend

This article was originally published in the Tennessee Historical Quarterly and is republished on this website with permission. Jesse Stuart (1906–1984), one of Appalachia’s most famous native sons, published more than 2,000 poems, 460 short stories, hundreds of essays, and sixty-four books describing a fast-dwindling mountain culture and the natural world that framed it. A regionalist often compared to William Faulkner for his sharp focus on a [...]

By |May 20, 2024|Categories: Appalachia, James M. Gifford|

Jesse Stuart: World Traveler

As a writer, teacher, and lecturer, Jesse Stuart extended his life to the far corners of the world. He traveled to all but one of the United States and to ninety countries on six continents. His global life began in the 1930s with a Guggenheim Fellowship that supported his travels to the British Isles and Europe. On July 9, 1937, he sailed from New York and landed in Scotland [...]

By |May 20, 2024|Categories: Appalachia, James M. Gifford|

40 Acres and No Mule

Janice Holt Giles (1909-79) was a prolific and successful writer of historical fiction and autobiographical non-fiction. She was born in Arkansas, the second of four children of educators John Albert Holt and Lucy Elizabeth McGraw Holt. She didn’t begin her first novel until 1946, when she was 41 years old, and did not finish it until four years later. She met an Army sergeant, Henry Giles, on a bus [...]

By |May 3, 2024|Categories: Appalachia, James M. Gifford|

Taps for Private Tussie

Taps For Private Tussie is Jesse Stuart’s best-known book. Published in 1943, Taps quickly captivated America’s reading public. It became an instant best seller, with over a million copies sold in the 1940s and 1950s. Taps became a Book of the Month Club selection in 1943, and also received the Thomas Jefferson Southern Award for the best Southern book of that year. Taps For Private Tussie grew steadily in popularity. [...]

By |April 23, 2024|Categories: Appalachia, Jesse Stuart Foundation|

40 Acres and No Mule April Regional Readers book

The April Regional Readers selection is 40 Acres and No Mule by Janice Holt Giles. In the late 1940s, Janice and Henry Giles moved from Louisville, Kentucky, back to the Appalachian hill country where Henry had grown up and where his family had lived since the time of the Revolution. With their savings, the couple bought a ramshackle house and forty acres of land on a ridge top and [...]

By |March 29, 2024|Categories: Appalachia, Regional Readers|
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