The Jesse Stuart Foundation proudly presents

Jack Ellis Writers Workshop

Jesse Stuart Lodge – Greenbo Lake State Resort Park

May 9-10, 2025

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Allan Eckert’s Winning of America Series

This Jesse Stuart Foundation best-selling series details accounts of frontiersmen and Native Americans and many dramatic events of the time period. Many years of research went into this popular series that also tells the story of wilderness America itself, its penetration and settlement.

Shop any of the 6 books in the series below, or BUY THE WHOLE SET!

Jesse Stuart Junior Books

Shop this popular book set for the young reader!

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Latest JSF News

Onkst, JSF board chairman, visits to sign copies of his book Presidential Visits to Kentucky

Wayne Onkst, Chairman of the JSF Board of Directors, was here today to sign copies of his book, Presidential Visits to Kentucky: 1819-2017, that will be distributed to underserved high school and public libraries throughout Kentucky. The distribution project is made possible by a generous grant from the Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels.

By |July 7, 2023|Categories: Appalachia, Jesse Stuart Foundation|

JSF receives grant from Kentucky Colonels to distribute “Presidential Visits to Kentucky”

The JSF received a $5,000 grant from the Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels to distribute copies of Presidential Visits to Kentucky: 1819-2017 by Wayne Onkst to underserved public libraries and high schools throughout Kentucky. This year, the HOKC will award $3.1 million in grants supporting 343 nonprofits, impacting more than 3.8 million Kentuckians. Grants are made possible through donations from contributing Kentucky Colonels from throughout the Commonwealth and around the [...]

By |June 23, 2023|Categories: Jesse Stuart Foundation|

Sam Houston & the Alamo Avengers: The Texas Victory That Changed American History

No small target at six-foot-two, young Sam Houston wasn’t thinking about getting hit. He was thinking about getting even. Running through a hail of musket balls, spears, and arrows, he and his fellow soldiers of the elite 39th U.S. infantry unit sprinted toward an eight-foot-tall barricade. Behind it was an army of Creek Indians who had massacred three hundred men, women, and children at a Mississippi Territory stockade town [...]

By |June 21, 2023|Categories: Appalachia, James M. Gifford|

The Book Woman’s Daughter

For those who loved “The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek,” author Kim Michele Richardson offers another fine evocation of the often cruel conditions of rural Appalachia in the last century and a powerful portrait of the courageous women there who fought against ignorance, misogyny, and racial prejudice. Steeped in an intimate knowledge of the traditions and lore of the region and written with a loving eye to the natural [...]

By |June 2, 2023|Categories: Appalachia, James M. Gifford|

Andrew Jackson and the Battle of New Orleans

In the spring of 1781, during the American war for independence from Great Britain, redcoat troops arrived in upland Carolina and brought terror to Elizabeth Jackson and her sons. Elizabeth’s youngest son, Andrew, though barely fourteen years of age, hated their presence—and quickly learned just how costly the fight for liberty could be. On April 9, Andy and his brother, Robert, two years older, joined a battle to defend [...]

By |May 30, 2023|Categories: Appalachia, James M. Gifford|
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