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Allan Eckert’s Winning of America Series
This Jesse Stuart Foundation best-selling series details accounts of frontiersmen and Native Americans and many dramatic events of the time period. Many years of research went into this popular series that also tells the story of wilderness America itself, its penetration and settlement.
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Jesse Stuart Junior Books
Shop this popular book set for the young reader!
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Review: “Jesse Stuart: An Extraordinary Life”
Reviewed by Ted Olson ~ Most authors would hope to receive after their deaths a similarly high level of sustained interest from their readers as Jesse Stuart continues to receive from his. Stuart’s literary output is impressive, and some of his works are classics of Appalachian literature (for instance, the 1949 autobiographical book The Thread That Runs So True). One organization is primarily responsible for Stuart’s continued readership in [...]
Hidden Heroism: Black Soldiers in America’s Wars
February is Black History Month, and the Jesse Stuart Foundation recognizes the contributions of generations of African Americans with my review of “Hidden Heroism” by Robert Edgerton. This book investigates the history of African-American participation in American wars, from the French and Indian Wars to the present. Edgerton chronicles black heroism in every U.S. conflict since the Revolutionary War, recalling the little-known Buffalo Soldiers and the black cavalry that [...]
The Women with Silver Wings
When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, Cornelia Fort was already in the air. At twenty-two, Fort had escaped Nashville’s debutante scene for a fresh start as a flight instructor in Hawaii. She and her students were in the middle of their lesson when the bombs began to fall, and they barely made it back to ground that morning. When the U.S. Army Air Forces put [...]
Icy Sparks is a fresh and original novel
Gwyn Hyman Rubio’s novel revolves around Icy Sparks, a young girl growing up in the hills of eastern Kentucky during the 1950’s. Icy Sparks is an unforgettable heroine in the tradition of Scout in “To Kill a Mockingbird.” The author lives in Kentucky and her novel became an Oprah Book Club selection. This is the sweet, optimistic story of a young girl who learns to accept and embrace what [...]
Resolve to Read in 2024
New year’s resolutions reflect personal values. Many resolutions relate to our physical being: we resolve to lose weight or start an exercise program. Some resolutions relate to strengthening our spiritual lives, but it seems to me that people should also resolve to improve their minds.In 2024, I encourage you to start a reading program. Watch television less and read more. Toward that end, I invite you to join the Jesse [...]