Jesse Stuart Weekend

Sept. 27-28, 2024 – Greenbo Lake State Resort Park

ONLINE SHOPPING: While our physical storefront remains closed to the public, we are continuing daily operations with in many cases same-day processing of online book purchases. Please considering SHOPPING THE JSF ONLINE.

HOLIDAY HOURS: Our store will be open for walk-in customers this holiday season! Monday, Nov. 25, through Tuesday, Dec. 31, noon to 3 p.m.

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Allan Eckert’s Winning of America Series

This Jesse Stuart Foundation best-selling series details accounts of frontiersmen and Native Americans and many dramatic events of the time period. Many years of research went into this popular series that also tells the story of wilderness America itself, its penetration and settlement.

Shop any of the 6 books in the series below, or BUY THE WHOLE SET!

Jesse Stuart Junior Books

Shop this popular book set for the young reader!

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The JSF has over 6,000 books on Amazon!

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Latest JSF News

Underground Railroad fascinating part of regional history

Before the Civil War, the Underground Railroad was a network of hundreds of safe houses throughout the North and South that served as hiding places on the road to freedom for tens of thousands of runaway slaves who risked their lives in a long, hazardous journey, often on foot, that frequently stretched more than one thousand miles. It is also the story of perseverance, bravery, and humanity in which [...]

JSF best sellers ~ Feb. 1-21

Feb. 1-7, 2021 #1 The Frontiersmen, Allan W. Eckert #2 Wilderness Empire, Allan W. Eckert #3 (tie) The Conquerors, Allan W. Eckert #3 (tie) The Wilderness War, Allan W. Eckert #4 Gateway to Empire, Allan W. Eckert #5 (tie) Daughter of the Legend, Jesse Stuart #5 (tie) A Penny’s Worth of Character, Jesse Stuart Feb. 8-21, 2021 #1 A Penny’s Worth of Character, Jesse Stuart #2 The Frontiersmen, Allan [...]

By |March 2, 2021|Categories: Best Sellers|

Appalachian Love Stories a great belated Valentine’s Day gift

If you are looking for a belated Valentine’s Day gift or just a good collection of short-stories, I recommend Appalachian Love Stories. Edwina Pendarvis, a nationally recognized scholar and author, and I compiled and edited this collection, which was published by the Jesse Stuart Foundation in 2001. We cast a broad net for material in order to include some “new authors,” along with established greats like Jesse Stuart and [...]

By |February 25, 2021|Categories: Jesse Stuart Foundation|

“The Year of My Rebirth” an excellent gift for Heart Month

February is Heart Month. If you have a friend or loved one recovering from illness or surgery, Jesse Stuart’s “The Year of My Rebirth” would be an excellent heart-month gift. Stuart’s message in this well-known book is that no person can really begin living until he has come close to dying. As a young man, Stuart lived at top speed. Then, in 1954, at age 48, rushing from a [...]

By |February 22, 2021|Categories: James M. Gifford, Jesse Stuart Foundation|

Winter ice storms cause order delays

The Jesse Stuart Foundation has been closed since Feb. 12 due to power outages throughout Boyd County — three ice/snowstorms have hit the area over the course of a week. Because we have no power, we have not been able to process book orders since Feb. 11, and our ability to work remotely has been limited to accessing and responding to email. We hope that you have not been [...]

By |February 19, 2021|Categories: Jesse Stuart Foundation|
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