Album of Destiny


Jesse Stuart labored eleven years over Album of Destiny. The idea for this work came to him in 1932 as he idly turned through the pages of an old family album which contained pictures of his youthful mother and father, posing before apple trees in bloom. Later pictures showed them worn and aged, and Stuart thought how he who was now young and in the vigor of his life must complete the same cycle that his parents had gone through.

He began to write poetry for this volume in the 1930s. Before he was through he had written two thousand poems.

By Jesse Stuart

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Jesse Stuart labored eleven years over Album of Destiny.

The idea for this work came to him in 1932 as he idly turned through the pages of an old family album which contained pictures of his youthful mother and father, posing before apple trees in bloom. Later pictures showed them worn and aged, and Stuart thought how he who was now young and in the vigor of his life must complete the same cycle that his parents had gone through.

Stuart began to write poetry for this volume in the 1930s. Before he was through he had written two thousand poems.

By Jesse Stuart

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